IBPS Clerk Mains Online Test Series 2017 Testzone Test Series Platform by Smartkeeda
Now when IBPS Clerk Pre 2017 exam result is around the corner, most of you must have started their preparation for IBPS Clerk Mains exam beforehand. And why not, when the level of IBPS exams is getting increased manifold with every single year.
To ace this prestigious exam, we at Smartkeeda has designed a special Test Series for our beloved students so that they can practice these Mock Tests and get aware of the changing exam pattern before they actually take the real exam.
5 points that make Testzone Test Series platform different from the rest:
1. Testzone Test analysis Tools help you understand question picking strategy of toppers in quarters of total Test duration.
2. It helps you get to know the opportunity loss percentage (easy questions that you attempted wrongly or left un-attempted) over all the Tests.
3. It gives you an overview of your overall Test performance across all the tests you have taken on the platform.
4. It helps you understand your strong and weak topics under a subject on a single click on the basis of your marks gained, level of accuracy and time taken.
5. Many more great features are available in IBPS Clerk Mains Test Series at Testzone.
What IBPS Clerk 2017 Test Series at Testzone includes:
- 8 Full Length Online Mock Tests based on Latest Exam Pattern
- Detailed explanation with Retake Test feature
- All India rank among 10000 other users
- Brilliant Test Analysis
So what are you waiting for?