Just like all other sections of an examination, Hindi Language section also plays a vital role in getting selection in competitive examinations like, LIC Assistant, IBPS RRB Office Assistant, IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1, IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2, IBPS RRB Officer Scale 3, UP Police, UP Lekhpal, HP Patwari, Rajasthan Patwari. Here, we have covered complete Syllabus of Hindi Language section in quiz format with detailed explanation. We can give you 100% assurance that our content is upto the level of the examination.
We have divided Syllabus of Hindi Langauge section in three Categories. So you can easily cover your whole syllabus without missing a single topic.
I. Hindi Vocabulary
II. Hindi Grammar
III. Hindi Verbal Ability
Here, we upload quizzes on daily basis with detailed explanation. If we talk about our explanation part, from a beginner to advance level student can easily clear his/her basic concept for the particular topic. If you take these quizzes on regular basis then you will definetly score good marks in your Hindi Langauge section in examination.
In the whole syllabus some topics can help you to score good marks if you properly focused on these particular topics: Reading Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks, Cloze Test, Error Spotting, Parajumbled Sentences, Rearrangement of Sentences. But during preparation time some student neglect Hindi Language section due to overconfidence on the command over Hindi Language. But the questions asked in the examination are different from our daily use hindi sentences.
Now, we are sharing some tips which will definetly help you to score good marks in Hindi Language section:
1. Read daily hindi editorial section from a standard hindi newspaper.
2. Clear your basic concepts and understanding of hindi grammar section.
3. Practice at least 20+ difficult hindi words regularly.
4. Practice questions from Previous Year Papers.
5. Attempt more and more Mock Test and take Quizzes on daily basis and deeply analyse it.
Consistent practice will help you to score good marks and to clear your examination.