How Testzone is the best Test Series platform for SBI PO 2018 exam

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By Smartkeeda


‘Test’ the word suddenly gives us all an adrenaline rush! The dreamless night in the anticipation of an important test, must admit we all have been there.

‘Smartkeeda’ came up with a great concept to help the young aspirants in evaluating things on a better scale; the concept is ‘Testzone.’ Here, you can prepare yourself for your competitive exams like Bank clerks, PO, IBPS, CGL & SSC etc. Few simple steps and it will lead you to an interface where you can analyse your how well you are prepared. The platform was started by two young men Vipin.K.Shakya & Devansh Bhadoria, 6 years ago. It all started with a simple question and answer website called ‘Smartkeeda’. As new concepts and informative ideas came into being the journey towards Testzone’s formation commenced with the sole purpose of helping students excel their exams.

How to register?

The procedure is as simple as any other website:

  • Login to the website.
  • Register yourself.
  • Choose your exams as it comes with various options such as IBPS, CGL, SSC etc.
  • You will be directed to a page that will give you two different options:
    Testzone test player (Normal Mode) - Get to know where you stand with intelligently designed test interface.
    Testzone test player (Suggestion Mode)-View important analytics, easy questions on the go.
  • After selecting any of these you can start with your test.
  • The interface is very simple, convenient and understandable and the test is available in both Hindi as well as in the language English.


My experience with SBI PO 2018 test series-

After registering myself and logging in, I selected my desired exam i.e. SBI PO 2018, I was directed to the page that offers 10 different test series; 1st series is free to start with a set of 100 questions of 100 marks for 60 minutes time. The other nine test papers can only be practiced after paying a nominal amount. The interface is user-friendly, so I didn’t face any difficulty while pursuing my test. The whole process helps you access your language as well as grammar skills, improves your analytical thinking, helps in strengthening your aptitude, informs you about current affairs and much more. The test was not very easy for me as I was not prepared enough but it surely gave me a clear picture about my strength and weakness.

Few issues that students face during their preparations of SBI PO and how Testzone can help:

  • The exams have their own pattern but students always start early preparation before doing a thorough research on the actual curriculum to be followed. So, how does Testzone help? Through its topic analysis tab, students can easily understand the weight-age of different chapters and topics that need more focus than the other for a concerned exam. So, half of the problem gets solved here easily.
  • Can’t decide how much time you need to spend on a question? ‘Testzone’ proves helpful here as there’s a suggestion interface where the time taken to solve every question is recorded. It also records the time taken by a topper to solve the same question correctly and an average student to do the same and once you cross the time limit of an average student’s user time it’s time to skip that particular question. This feature actually trains your brain in exams and you are able to judge the average time one should take on a particular question.
  • Sometimes we fail to attempt more number of questions as they may seem too difficult but are actually easy. So with the help of ‘Testzone’ you get to understand the explanation part. Every explanation is viewed keeping in mind the perspective of every single student, so it helps you understand the key approaches and steps required to solve a particular question easily while attempting the PO exam.
  • What to do after the test analysis? How to work on the drawbacks and improve? With Testzone, after finishing your test, the page redirects to its ‘Smart After Test Analytics’ so after finishing your SBI PO mock test you can analyse your performance that will help you work better on your flaws. The report shows, the cut off marks, your past performance, accuracy, speed or time management, question preferences and strong and weak areas. Overall, the test will give you a proper and detailed report of your performance in the test and also the highlights where you are lacking.
  • Test zone helps you in creating a whole track sheet of your performance on the number of times you took the test by three important details in the record. First, your percentile in every attempt; Second, your accuracy; and third, the ability to pick easy questions. So, in case you are planning to appear for the SBI PO exams and not sure where and how to begin? You can always start with Smartkeeda’s Testzone that will not only give you a proper direction and understanding of the exam pattern but will also help you in keeping a track of your daily growth in terms of preparations.

Some of the positive aspects of going for Testzone online test are

  1. Time and reasonability- Most applicants spend a lot of time and money in order to clear SBI PO exam but results are not very satisfactory however, with Testzone you are spending a reasonable amount of money and time with a proper guidelines and improvisations that can prove very helpful.
  2. The positive motivation- Through its ‘suggestion mode’ you can work on your strengths and weaknesses without getting demotivated by negative feedback.
  3. Thorough and well researched- The main motto for starting Testzone was to help the enthusiastic young applicants and keeping in line with the same motto this platform allows you to track all your performance related with ease.
  4. It’s an opportunity- Not everyone can afford the expensive coaching classes so via Testzone we give access to each and every young learner to test their skills without spending a hefty amount.
  5. Easy to access- Today’s applicants are a tech-savvy lot. They can easily access the platform and take the most out of Testzone’s user-friendly interface.

We wish you GOOD LUCK &hope you reach the pinnacle of success!